BiG Impact
30 Years of the KRONE BiG Pack
Advancing productivity and efficiency is KRONE’s number one priority. It is the right blend of innovation, expertise and customer focus that has made our family business from Northern Germany one of the leading manufacturers in the agricultural market. Our product range of farming machinery lines up disc mowers, rotary tedders, rotor rakes, forage wagons, round and square balers as well as the Premos pellet harvester.
The KRONE warranty extension
When you buy a new KRONE mower, tedder or rake*, you can now secure a free warranty extension for one year per machine…
KRONE erweitert seine Vierkreiselfamilie um ein neues Spitzenmodell, das ganz klar auf professionelle Betriebe und Lohnunternehmen abzielt. Beim…
Spelle, September 2023. The novel blade sharpener from KRONE stands out for 2200 grinding cycles without requiring manual resetting of the grinding…
With the EasyCut B 880 CV/CR (Collect) and B 1050 CV (Collect), KRONE presents two new and highly efficient Butterfly combinations. They come with…
New KRONE Swadro TC 1570 with unique V-frame concept impresses with high acreage output, extremely quiet running and maximum operator comfort
Featuring the new OptiGrass cutting system and maximum throughputs, the RX and ZX forage wagons from KRONE set new benchmarks for professional forage…